
by Cody Gilman

Reimagination of the home as a multigenerational joint venture with shared space and moments of privacy that will accomodate and provide for an entire family as it progresses through its life cycle.

In rural towns, few career opportunities make economic stability of a single family home almost beyond reach. Rural towns often exist because of the success of very few large companies that provide many good paying jobs for the community. The closure of one of these companies can have a massive negative ripple effect that will affect the whole town. Some small businesses will be forced to close. A household will suffer both economically and physically as the built environment falls to more pressing issues. With these added stresses, the family dynamic also takes a toll.

Enter a reimagination of what a home can be and what it can provide to an entire family. A multigenerational residential joint venture that reduces the cost and labors of owning a home for everyone. An environment that allows for the sharing of wisdom between the generations. A place where the oldest and youngest generations need not look far for stimulation and over time a place where unused spaces provide opportunities for entrepreneurial endeavors. A “garage” of sorts that can take the shape of an airbnb or the world headquarters of the next best app. The possibilities of the everchanging “garage” space is endless and will provide stability for the house and home for generations to come.